Review: Sweety Sensation Bella Blue + UV Glow Auburn Mauve Lace Front wig Uniqso

Hi cuties!
New big review today for my favorite shop Uniqso :D I have a pair of circle lenses and a wig to show you! Let's talk about the Sweety Sensation Bella Blue, a new pair by Sweety which is my favorite circle lens brand.

I fell in love with this model after seeing it in this pic, they look so cute and the color is amazing over brown eyes! I got my parcel with Fedex shipping, still the best shipping method so far :D

Diameter 14.5mm
Water Content 38%
Base Curve 8.6mm
Replacement Period Within 12 months
What's inside A pair of contact lens + a lens case
Processing Time 2-3 working days

My eyes were a bit tearful so lenses weren't perfectly stable, but as you can see the color is amazing as the stock pic! It's a gorgeous and light shade of blue, it looks so cute over brown eyes and it covers really well the dark color. Diameter is really natural so you can use these lenses both daily and for special occasions (and cosplay too 'cause they're really visible!). As every Sweety lenses I already tried they're incredibly comfortable and they come with prescription as well. You can get it HERE. You can find more colors here

Color â˜…★★★★ gorgeous color!
Design â˜…★★★★  unique design
Enlargement â˜…★★★★ natural enlargment effect!
Comfort â˜…★★★★ super comfy!

- amazing color  that covers really well dark eyes
-  perfect for cosplay and daily use
- natural diameter effect
- really comfy

- nothing!

The second item is this gorgeous pink wig with the UV glow effect! I never had a wig like this so I was really happy to try it :D and I'm also a big fan of lace front wigs!

This is how the wig looks like in the stock pics, a gorgeous shade of pastel pink with a slighlty wavy look. This is so beautiful :D

As you can see the wig is totally the same as the stock pic, I love both the color and the wavy style, it's really easy to comb and you can cut the lace front as you want in a really easy way :D. The material is super soft, the quality is so great I really recommend it to you, it's perfect for cosplay but also for special events when you want to change your hair color without damaging your hair! 
It's currently out of stock but you can find it HERE.

Quality ★★★★ â˜… high quality fiber!
 Color â˜…★★★★ special design and color
 Softness â˜…★★★ â˜… smooth and easy to comb 

Don't forget you can use my code vanilla for a 10% discount on uniqso!

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