Review: Sweety K Heavenly Gummi Violet Uniqso

 Hi lovelies!

Time for a new review!! This violet pair of circle lenses by Uniqso are named Sweety K Heavenly Gummi Violet! I never tried this model and it looks so amazing.

As always I got my parcel with Fedex shipping in a few days without problems, for me it is the best shipping method for Europe! 


Diameter 14.5mm
Water Content 38%
Base Curve 8.6mmReplacement 
Period Within 3 months
What's inside A pair of contact lens + a lens case
Processing Time 2-3 working days

These lenses are so gorgeous! Both color and design are really beautiful, they totally cover my natural brown eyes, I'm sure you'll get the same result with light eyes too. The diameter is quite big and it gives a lovely dolly look to your eyes. I think it's the perfect model for cosplay, but you can use them also for special occasions (especially goth and pastel goth looks!). As always they come with prescription as well. You can get them HERE. More colors here

Color â˜…★★★★ gorgeous color!
Design â˜…★★★★  super special design
Enlargement â˜…★★★★ big enlargement effect!
Comfort â˜…★★★★ super comfy!

- amazing color  that covers really well dark eyes
-  perfect for cosplay and special occasions
- big diameter effect
- really comfy

- nothing!

Don't forget you can use my code vanilla for a 10% discount on uniqso!

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