Review: Sweety Sensation Shining Blue Uniqso

Hi cuties!
I hope you're doing well :D I'm back with a new circle lens review for my favorite shop Uniqso, this time about a gorgeoue blue one that's perfect for everyday, the Sweety Sensation Shining Blue.

I decided to add the website pic too, let me know if you like to see it so you can check how it looks like when you order it :D. As always I got them without problems via Fedex shipping, my favorite shipping method ever! I never had problems with it and if you're from Europe it's the best in my opinion. 

Diameter 14.5mm
Water Content 38%
Base Curve 8.6mm
Replacement Period Within 12 months
What's inside A pair of contact lens + a lens case
Processing Time 2-3 working days

This pair is perfect for everyday in my opinion, the color is a vibrant and gorgeous shade of blue, the design is really simple and it gives a really good coverage to my natural brown eyes, it looks like my real color especially in real life! If you don't need a big enlargmenet effect you can use them for cosplay too 'cause they're so visible and cute. As always they're really comfortable as all the Sweety lenses I tried, this pair comes with prescription too! You can buy it from HERE. Check the other gorgeous colors here

I love these lenses so much! The color is so amazing and I love how they look like in pics too :D 

Color â˜…★★★★ gorgeous blue color!
Design â˜…★★★★  natural design
Enlargement â˜…★★★★ big enlargment effect!
Comfort â˜…★★★★ super comfy!

- amazing color  that covers really well dark eyes
-  perfect for everyday
- natural diameter effect
- really comfy

- nothing!

Don't forget you can always use my code "vanilla" for a 10% discount on your Uniqso order!

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