Review: Sweety Colorful Fruit Green Uniqso

Hi cuties!
I have another review for my favorite shop Uniqso and this time I'm talking about the gorgeous new lenses Sweety Colorful Fruit Green , if you're looking for a special pair of circle lenses this one is totally for you!

I got my lenses without problems with Fedex shipping in a few days, I really recommend this method as always :D

Diameter 14.5mm
Water Content 38%
Base Curve 8.6mm
Replacement Period Within 12 months
What's inside A pair of contact lens + a lens case
Processing Time 2-3 working days

These lenses are so special! The design is not really easy to find, I love the amazing shade of green that covers really well my brown eyes, paired with this cute white sparkles all over, they give a special touch to the lenses! The diameter is quite big and it gives a dolly look to your eyes. I think these lenses are perfect both for cosplay and special occasions. As every Sweety lenses I tried they're really comfortable and they come with prescription as well. You can get them HERE.
You can check the other beautiful colors here.

I'm so in love with these new design!

Color â˜…★★★★ gorgeous color!
Design â˜…★★★★  special design
Enlargement â˜…★★★★ big enlargment effect!
Comfort â˜…★★★★ super comfy!

- great color  that covers really well every eye color
-  perfect for special events and cosplay
- big diameter effect
- really comfy

- nothing!

Don't forget you can always use my code "vanilla" for a 10% discount on your Uniqso order!

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