Review: Eos Fay Pink lenses

New circle lens review, always for my favorite shop Uniqso, this time about a pink circle lens pair, Eos Fay Pink Circle lens, which is a model I've already tried before in another color so I was really happy to get it in pink too!

If you didn't know now you can find a scan code on the Uniqso box! Isn't the new lenses package really cute? I love it! Also their lenses cases changed, I found them better than before 'cause they're more pratical and with a better stopper (which is really important to not dry out your lenses when you don't use them for long time) even if you're not allowed to see through it like before. I prefer to have a better quality lenses case instead of a trasparent one ahah!

Base Curve     8.8mm
Color Tones     2 Tones
Diameter     14.5mm
Processing Time     2-3 working days
Replacement Period     12 months
Water Content     38% 

The lenses have a great and vivid pink color which covers really well my dark eyes! I'm sure they'll look great over light eyes too 'cause the color is really pigmented. The design is simple and it fits really well both cosplay and j-fashions look! The diameter is 14,5 and it gives a natural enlargement to your eyes, I think it's the best for this kind of fake-colored lenses! I wore them many times for a lot of hours without problems or feeling my eyes dry, definitely comfy! They come with prescription as well.

Color ★★★★☆ great pink color that covers really well dark eyes
Design ★★★★☆ nice and simple design
Enlargement ★★★★☆ natural enlargement effect!
Comfort ★★★★★ really comfy
- lovely design and color
- perfect for j-fashions looks and cosplay
- natural enlargement effect
- really comfy
- non apt for a daily look

If you didn't read my previous tutorial about this wig check it here. I really love the combinations of this lovely blue wig with the pink lenses! Of course you can use my code "vanilla" for a 10% discount on your Uniqso order!

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