Review: Lolita Wig 806A Uniqso

Hi lovelies! I have a new review for you today, I'm so happy to show you this lovely wig I recently got in the mail from my favorite shop Uniqso, they have the cutest wigs ever and their quality is amazing, I can't stop sharing my positive experiences not only about circle lenses! The model is the Lolita Wig 806A and it's a gorgeous mix between a lighter and darker shade of pink!

This is how the wig looks like in the website, the model is perfect for lolita fashion but you can easily use it also for cosplay and different street styles! I chose the Ems shipping so I got it in a few days without problems, but a slower shipping method it's also available if you want to save up! Don't forget you can always use my code "vanilla" for a discount on your order :D. 

I'm in love with this wig, the color si amazing and I really like how it blends nicely in two different pink shades, the fiber is really soft so you can easily comb it both with your fingers or a comb.You receive it with a long fringe so you can decide to cut it as you want, I decided to mantain the original lenght and just put the hair in a side fringe 'cause it is my favorite cut. You can get the wig HERE.

Quality ★★★★★ really high quality fiber!
 Color â˜…★★★★ amazing color combination 
 Softness â˜…★★★★ super smooth and easy to comb 

Don't forget you can always use the code "vanilla" for a 10% discount on your Uniqso order! 

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