Sushiko + New hair color
A new daily
post after long time, I didn’t go out a lot in this period, especially for the
hot weather and my studies but I tried twice a new restaurant called Sushiko in a nearby city, it proposes a large amount of different sushi (with the roll!)
and some plates from Japanese cuisine like tempura and other things! The
pictures of the food were from the first time I went there, the video from the
second time (and maybe it’s good I didn’t make a lot of pictures ‘cause I ate
the double than the previous time, lol), the same day I also went to the hair
dresser to correct an ugly color and now I have beautiful blue hair *u* but
let’s start with the pictures.
It has been
a while since my last post full of food pictures XD did you miss them?
Everything was super delicious and I can’t wait to come back there! Now I’m
rolling over the floor XD.
The local
is really beautiful and tidy and you can eat all you want for only 15,90 euro
*u* also fruits and sweets! It’s a really reasonable price in my opinion,
especially if you eat a lot….like me XD. After the dinner we went to a bar in
my town for something to drink, unfortunately our favorite bar was closed so we
went to the most nearby.
previous day I tried to make my hair lilac but something went wrong and the
color was an ugly mix between blonde, lilac and grey and also my tips were
still blonde…so I went to the hair dresser to make a new semi permanent color, it was realy hard choosing between a large amount of colors but I found a lovely blue shade
and I decided to go for it also if I totally didn’t know how it would suit me. The
final result was a lovely gradient effect from a mint/electric blue to the
tips *_* what do you think about it?
I can keep this hair color only for the summer then I need to come back my usual
blonde in September/October for my exams, you know the university isn’t
something where you can easily express yourself without prejudices (from
professors obviously), but surely after
this session I will color them again *_*
Headband Spinns – Choker
Ghost of Harlem – Belt Glavil – Dress Fernopaa – Boots Glad News
This is my
last outfit, I washed the hair once and lost some color only in the bangs yay!
There are 40° degrees in this moment in Italy, I only want to die ahah. I also
made two new orders from Japan and bought some items from my
wishlist, I really hope to receive them soon, I can’t wait!
Oddio ma quei capelli sono bellissimi *ç* ho sempre amato i capelli azzurri, e l'effetto gradiente è stupendo, sembra fatto apposta. Inoltre ti sta molto bene come colore.
RispondiEliminaPer quanto riguarda i professori, forse risparmi tempo e soprattutto soldi se ti infili una parrucca castana i giorni degli esami e poi ti tieni i capelli come vuoi XD
Infine, adoro l'outfit <3 l'abito e le scarpe sono una cosa meravigliosa.
grazie mille sei sempre gentilissima ♥ çOç
Eliminapurtroppo mi viene a costare molto di più mantenerli colorati che biondi, il colore va via completamente nel giro di un mese e mezzo e contando che io devo usare due flaconi mi viene a costare molto di più rispetto al semplice ritocco alla radice del biondo T_T per ora farò così anche perchè voglio provare a farli viola la prossima volta *_*
Ah, già, è vero, non avevo tenuto in considerazione la manutenzione dei colori chiari XD in effetti, avendo i capelli così lunghi, rifare il colore è una spesa non indifferente °_°;;
EliminaWow, non vedo l'ora di vederli viola *_*! Staranno benissimo con i tuoi look rock gyaru :D
awww spero tanto mi stiano bene *u* comunque si, è una gran fregatura che il colore va via subito e con i capelli lunghi diventa davvero troppo costoso XD
Eliminayes I have missed your food posts!!! haha all the food looks sooo yummy *-*
RispondiEliminaI'm glad you like them *_*
EliminaYou look great! ^^
RispondiEliminathank youuu ♥
EliminaYour haircolour is SOOOOO great!! You look fabulous <3
RispondiEliminathank you so much sweetie *v* ♥♥♥
EliminaYour new hair so amazing ;A; love the whole look~
RispondiEliminathank you so much dear ♥♥♥ *_*
RispondiElimina◕ ◡ ◕ All this food is so delicious
Your new color is gorgeous
The teachers are hard dice had a different parrence
thank you *_* ♥
Eliminayou new hair looks very lovely *-*
RispondiEliminathank you very much *v* ♥
Eliminai tuoi capelli sono dfgdhfjkjmgghbfvdcs <3 come fai a fare le gif animate?? *^*
RispondiEliminagrazieeeee *u*! è un vero e proprio video e si fa con l'app Vine!
EliminaThe hair color is perfect. Beautiful! ^^ Also the food looks good :)
RispondiElimina1) colore di capelli favoloso *w*
RispondiElimina2) che carino il video con Vine! (...e che fame XD)
awww grazie mille cara ♥♥ *_*
EliminaChe belli i capelli *_*
RispondiEliminaGiusto per curiosità, dov'è il ristorante? :3
grazie mille ♥ il ristorante è a Città Sant'angelo, ma controlla sul sito se c'è anche una filiale da te perchè hanno diversi ristoranti in tutta Italia >w<
EliminaOh nice new hair color! It suits you really well :)
RispondiEliminathank you so much *_* ♥
EliminaI love love love your haircolor! It suit you so much! Ant the Gravil Belt is just awesome *1*
thank you very much cutie ♥♥
Eliminayour pictures make me wanna get some sushi now! and the color is lovely, too bad you can't keep it ;C
RispondiEliminathank you so much ♥♥♥ in autumn I would like to try another color after my exams *_*
EliminaLove your last outfit! Pretty!
RispondiEliminathank youuu ♥♥
EliminaSushiii <33 yaaay :D