
Hat Romwe - Jacket h&m - Dress SheIn - Necklace Vivienne Westwood - Tights Japan - Shoes Quanticlo

Happy Weekend guys! Last post for this week and as many of you asked it's a outfit post :) don't worry I'm working on some new outfit posts and I can't wait to show more looks soon! I'm a big fan of animalier prints as you already knew, I recently got this new dress from SheIn and I love the soft grey color! A bit different from the usual "yello/brown" leopard but still really cute, I also have a discount code if you want to make an order and save some money, it's vanilla15 for a 15% discount! I still have one more leopard dress to show you, totally different from this fancy one but I hope I won't annoy you with so much animalier lately :D!

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