Halloween cheap clothes!

Hi lovelies! 
I have a new post sharing some cool cheap ideas, this year I decided to do it for my favorite festivity ever, Halloween! I put together some cool ideas if you're looking for something simple but at the same time you can use these items to create particular outfits :D the past years I love doing pastel goth coords wearing Halloween items!


The first inspiration is of course a skeleton! It's really easy to find many cool items with this theme, I chose three different and cool items you can easily wear for a party and still be comfy. Now at Flying Tiger you can find little bone hairclips for a super cheap price and they're pretty good together with these clothes options!


Second inspiration is of course pumpkin! I love the orange items for Halloween, it such a cool combination together with black :D the dress is so cute! The leggings and the pullover are perfect if you're looking for a cozy option! I love the grey shade of the top ahah


And last some bloody items! These items are the most casual ones, so if you don't feel good wearing skirts or jumpsuits you can easily put one of these tops, add some fake blood in your makeup and you'll be ready for the party :D

I hope you like these option for Halloween, let me know if you want something like this for Christms too!

2 commenti:

  1. I love Halloween, too! This post gave me so much inspiration for our upcoming party - even though I have already decided what to wear. But it's never too early to think about something for next year! XD

    That skeleton jumpsuit stole my heart, it's so lovely <3


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