Review: EosNew Adult Green Uniqso

Happy Saturday guys! How is your weekend going? I had an amazing night yesterday at a metal festival, it has been so long time since my last one :D but today I have a new circle lens for your from my always favorite shop Uniqso! This time I choose an old time favorite, the Eos New Adult Green! It's one of my favorite Eos model :D let's start with some pics!

Recently Eos changed their olg glass packages with these new plastic ones super easy to open, I'm so happy they finally come in this way! There are still some left over with the old packaging, but I'm glad for their decision :D. As always I got my lenses in a few days with Fedex shipping, if you're from Italy I really recommend this method to you!

As you can see the color is so vibrant and beautiful, it covers perfectly my brown eyes, for this reason these lenses are perfect for cosplay :D they're so visible even without a good light! The diameter is really natural, so they fit perfectly everyone without problems and they're also pretty comfy for daily use, the design is really simple so you can use them for every occasion! These lenses fit really good both dark and light eyes, the coverage is amazing! You can find them here and you also check them in all the colors!

I love these lenses so much! As you can see they're so incredibly visible :D

Color ★★★★ great green color that covers really well every eye
Design ★★★★ simple design
Enlargement ★★★ natural enlargement effect!
Comfort ★★★★ super comfy!

- amazing green color that fits really everyone
-  great design
- perfect for cosplay!
- natural diameter
- really comfy

- nothing!

Don't forget you can always use my code "vanilla" for a 10% discount on your Uniqso order!

4 commenti:

  1. Oooh wow I'm loving the vibrancy of the green, it goes so well with your wig!

    Lizzie Bee // Hello Lizzie Bee

  2. These look so nice! I've been after some green lenses so will definitely check these out :)

    1. I'm so happy you like them :D! I'm sure you'll like this pair <3


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